1. Can your business survive your absence for 3 months or more?
2. Do you have accurate financial information, and regularly review budgets, for each key product/service category? (e.g. sales, costs, profit margins
3. Are you using effective solutions to manage cashflow and allow enough working capital to grow the business?
4. Do you have an up-to-date 5-year plan to expand your business, or transition for sale or retirement?
5. Are your supply chain arrangements secure, sustainable and reliable?
6. Do you have a medium to long-term strategy to "get off the tools" and build business goodwill?
7. Are your personal, family and business assets protected from a trigger event? (e.g. ill health, relationship breakdown, death, TPD)
8. Do you have strong systems in place to prevent website hacking, downtime and crashes?
9. Are your social media, marketing & loyalty programs effective in growing your business?
10. Do you have business cyber security and business insurance in place?