1. Do you have a plan to generate strong repeat business from your existing client base?
2. Staff are typically your biggest expense – are your staffing levels appropriate and do you manage staff rosters effectively?
3. Are you using accurate financial information to regularly monitor & manage your sales, costs and profit margins?
4. Does your pharmacy have modern well located premises, on a secure lease, that attract and retain customers?
5. Are you using social media, marketing & loyalty programs to grow your business?
6. Have you made a formal growth plan to differentiate your pharmacy, attract new clients and generate more referrals?
7. Are your personal, family and business assets protected from a trigger event? (e.g. ill health, bankruptcy, relationship breakdown, death/TPD)
8. Do you optimise your productivity and profits with new technology, such as AI and robotics?
9. Is your pharmacy dispensing /non dispensing revenue at industry benchmark rates?
10. Do you have access to enough funding for both current operations and capital improvements?